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Boite à outils Supply Chain

Maturity assessment tools

Global approach

The whole approach is based on the SCOR model. The SCOR model was built in 1996 by the Supply Chain council and established a commun langage between the Supply Chain processes. This modeling tool of all the processes and sub processes allows a full assessment of a Supply Chain

  1. Depending on the customer requirements and the strategy, selection in the SCOR model of the processes to be reviewed

  2. Interviews with the key stakeholders and data collection 

  3. Based on the answers and the data analysis, definition of an "As-Is" maturity level 

  4. Benchmark of this maturity Vs standards and gap analysis

Selection of the SCOR model standards processes to be audited

Template of questionnaires for the processes to be audited

Definition of the "As-Is" maturity level based on the data collection and the interviews

Metrics to be benchmarked and comparison Vs the best practices (nb of FTE, service level, lead time ...)

outils pour priorisation projets

The tools for prioritizing your projects and for driving the implemantation 

Global approach

  1. Area of improvements are translated into macro projects

  2. Depending on their ROI, ease of implementation and pre-requisites, projects are prioritized into a matrix

  3. A roadmap including all the projects is built, based on the customer priorities and on the short/middle term strategy

  4. Main actions and stakeholders are identified in order to build a RACI matrix 

Synthesis of improvements, detailed by project

Prioritization matrix Benefits/ease of implementation with associated ROI


Action plan with RACI matrix

outils pour transformaton des opérations logistiques

The tools for transforming your logistics operations

Global approach

  1. After collecting your logistics costs, conducting of a benchmark and a gap analysis

  2. Theoretical quotation of your logistics activities allowing to target where are the gaps (productivity, rental contracts, building cost) and what should be your optimum cost

  3. In case of outsourcing, support for writing the tender, by the knowledge of all the data required by a logistics provider for the quotation

  4. Logistics provider proposal analysis : qualitative (organization, processes, inventory strategy...) and quantitative (tariff grid) analysis

  5. Support for the implementation based on a full start up kit


Quotation and simulation tools, based on the MTM time and allowing to simulate a process evolution 

Logistics solution quotation tool (directs costs, indirects, storage, etc...) with associated financial reports

Template of tender and proposition of a tariff grid

Analysis of the qualitative and quantitative logistics providers answer

Detailed action plan to start-up the outsourced activity

Tracking of the risks during Go Live

RACI matrix

Tracking of the expanses

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